
This page displays links to websites and blogs that are involved in Human Rights protection, campaigning and awareness. If you own a website or a blog related to these causes, please let me know by commenting on any of the posts.
The A21 Campaign: Involved in campaigning against trafficking.
Amazon Watch: They're involved in protection of the Amazon basin and the indigenous peoples affected by its deforestation.
Amnesty International: Involved in all kinds of campaigns against injustice.
Anti-Slavery: Campaigning against slavery in Africa.
Apply Human Rights
Article 19:Campaign against censorship.
Avocats Sans Frontieres: Belgian group that is active in the human rights and development sector.
Breakthrough:Uses media, pop culture, and community mobilization to build popular support for human rights.
Carter Center:guided by a fundamental commitment to human rights and the alleviation of human suffering.
CCJO RenéCassin:An organisation of Jewish people committed to the promotion of universal human rights .
Centre for Economic and Social Rights :An organization that protests economic injustice in the United States and around the world.
Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian law:at American University Washington College of Law (WCL) was founded in 1990 as a way to coordinate all the human rights and humanitarian law activities at WCL.  
Centre On Housing Rights and Evictions:COHRE is a human rights organisation whose mission is to ensure the full enjoyment of the human right to adequate housing for everyone, everywhere.
Free the Slaves

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